Contact Us

We will contact you quickly if you have any further questions about Megazone Cloud Cloudpex.

Customer Information

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Solutions of interest

Do you have any other questions?

Agree to terms and conditions for service inquiries

Megazone Cloud collects and uses your information in accordance with the details below.
Please read the following and check the box if you agree.
1. Personal information collector: Megazone Cloud Co., Ltd.
2. Personal information collected: [Required] Company, name, email
3. Purpose of collection and use: - Confirmation and processing of inquiries regarding service use - (When agreeing to marketing use) Introducing related new products, event information
4. Retention and use period: 3 years from the date of collection (however, if preservation is necessary under the provisions of relevant laws, until the relevant period)

※ You have the right to refuse consent.
However, if you refuse consent, the services specified in the above purpose of use will not be provided.

Agree to terms and conditions for marketing activities

MegazoneCloud(hereinafter the ”Company”) collects and uses your information in accordance with the details below.

1. Personal Data Collected:
[Required] Name, Email, Mobile phone number, Company, Inquiry
[Optional] Industry, Department
2. Purpose of Collection and Use: The Company uses your personal information for introducing new products and events(via email, phone call or SMS), sending newsletters and managing subscriptions, confirming event participation and announcing event winners.
※ This agreement includes consent to receive advertising via email and text.
3. Retention and use period: The company will retain and use the information for one year from the time you consent to marketing use or until you withdraw consent. (However, if preservation is required by relevant laws, personal information will be preserved for a certain period of time specified in relevant laws.)

※ How to withdraw personal information use
- How to withdraw: Contact the personal information processing consulting department below or click on the unsubscribe link in the email, and notify the unsubscriber through the unsubscribe contact information in the notification text.
- Personal information processing consulting department: Cloud Apps Group /

※ If you do not agree, you have the right to refuse consent to the collection and use of personal information. If you decline, you will not be able to use the services specified in the above purpose of use.

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