Multi-CDN integrated management solution, CloudPlex Delivery

This is a Multi-CDN operation management solution independently developed by Megazone Cloud.

CloudPlex Delivery

Introducing and operating multiple CDN services is becoming common for customer service high availability, performance improvement, and cost optimization. CloudPlex Delivery is a service that provides content quickly and reliably to users around the world by combining various existing CDN providers into one large global network. It is a global No. 1 service that helps customers further improve the reliability, performance and security of online services. It is a multi-CDN platform.

Is it necessary to introduce and operate Multi-CDN?

By establishing a Multi-CDN environment, traffic can be distributed across multiple CDNs, allowing user requests to be directed to the optimal CDN according to business needs.

Now, introducing Multi-CDN in online companies is no longer an option but a necessity as it has great advantages in terms of high availability, high performance, cost optimization, and security.

Benefits of adopting CloudPlex Delivery

By introducing CloudPlexDelivery, you can deliver high-quality digital content to any device, anytime, anywhere, operating reliably and cost-effectively.

Intuitive management screen

- Intuitive UX/UI
- Easily connect multiple CDNs
- Easy to operate without expert knowledge

Integrated management

- Multi-CDN integrated operation
- Integrated Multi-CDN environment analysis
- Can be operated on one origin server

Operations Automation

- Dynamically applied to multiple CDNs
- Optimization policy for each purpose of use (contract cost, performance, etc.)

CloudPlex Delivery Key Features

CloudPlexDelivery prevents loss of opportunity due to specific CDN service failures, provides users with a comfortable delivery environment, and is fully equipped with functions to optimize the delivery of digital content.

14+ CDN providers support

Redundant network failure handling (Failover based health check)

Optimization of transmission quality and costs

Advanced Routing Policy

Supports various routing policies
(Simple, Weighted, Geo)

Dynamic routing policy settings (coming soon)

Real-time Metrics & Analysis

Real-time traffic and service quality monitoring

Fault tracking and alarms

Centralized Management Console

Integrated web-based operations management console

User access control

Integrated operations and management features

Integrated management for the entire project

Perform integrated tasks such as purging/comparison

Megazone CDN

Back-up CDN provided in preparation for specific CDN service failures and large-scale events

Optimize costs and maximize service availability

CloudPlex Delivery Key Features and Benefits

Quick & Easy Integration

One-stop DNS - Multi CDN - Origin settings are possible, and individual traffic operation policies for each service are possible.

Supported CDN providers

Amazon CloudFront / Azure CDN / GCP CDN / Akamai / Edgio(구 Limelight) / Cloudflare / Alibaba CDN / Tencnet CDN / Tencent EdgeOne / KT CDN / LG CDN / Hyosung CDN

Various routing policies

Supports various routing policies tailored to customer service types
Designate integrated route rule

Status monitoring history

Simple / Weighted / Geolocation /Failover [Dynamic Routing Policy] - > In development / Scheduled / Event(Latency, Availability) / Billing

Integrated view based on real-time indicator analysis

Status detection and statistical indicator collection/analysis based on the latest indicators by vendor

Status monitoring history

Transmission volume (origin, edge) / byte hit rate / Request# / Error code (4XX, 5XX), etc.

Statistical indicator analysis history

Service usage analysis by CDN vendor (usage, request, response, cache rate, etc.)

Origin-Edge File Management

Provides file management interface through WebUI

CDN Origin File Management File Upload/Download/Delete
Content Invalidation (Purge)
Check identity of CDN origin file and CDN edge file
Purge check monitoring and notification